To Feed The Sami Kitten
The health and life expectancy of the cat depend primarily on her nutrition. If you want your pet to always be in an excellent physical form, to be energic, active and to live a long life, it is necessary to teach him the right meals from the earliest age.
In nature, animals take care of themselves by getting all the food necessary for their full life. Home-based pets, without such an opportunity, depend entirely on their masters, and thus the latter have enormous responsibilities. Sweet beasts didn't choose their own destiny, and our task is to try to make every effort to make them happy. By making a kitten, we must understand that his health is in our hands. It is therefore important to ensure that the diet is provided by all the components it requires.
In order for your kitten to grow up and be superb, it's necessary. feed right.
First of all, it should be borne in mind that the nutrition of a kitten (as well as an adult cat) should be regular, diverse and balanced in nutritious substances and energy values. There is no way to treat the food of the pets as their own ( unfortunately very many cat owners do so).
Food from our cat table is unsuitable: constant feeding of such products as sweets, canned, digested, salt and specialty can lead to serious violations, ranging from one-time digestive disorders to dangerous stomach diseases, liver, kidneys, etc.
It must be borne in mind that the addiction of cats is formed in early childhood, and if kittens are used daily to delicts from the host table, it will be very difficult to learn from it. As much as you're attached to your lover, you don't have to satisfy all of his caprises, and especially to think that the Samis only eat what they like and refuse anything that might cause harm. In fact, there is little difference between animals and people.